
Showing posts from July, 2011

Revelation 3.

It's her birthday today, so it's pretty fun. First time chatting with her over sms for such a long period of time. Thereotically speaking, I should feel very very happy, and I do,I felt happy. But it came a point in time, that I felt tired. Felt tired because I was constantly thinking of ways,of lines to talk with her. Every line was planned, because I didnt want things to screw up. I should worry for myself. The preparation I undergo to engage her in talks is one unifying force;I can concentrate. But when the real talk begins,the conversation drains me quickly. Cannot for the time being,engage her on a deeper level of chats,so that's what drains me. Goodluck to her, and to me.

Revelation 2.

A little time to spend it here I think... Exams are over, and haven't been feeling much better(feels worse now perhaps). Just wanna post something here that I read(and edited a little of course) 在我们那些美好的时光,曾有过的平衡被打乱了;而我,孤零零地在一只秤盘里,仿佛在往下沉;往下沉,因为你在远方。 Been sinking in,sinking in so deeply, that I am starting to love the mud,the sand, the water. The feeling.