
Showing posts from February, 2008

Finally back

Yes,I am finally back to post,zzz,but nothing really nothing important to post anyway,just found lyrics for chu lu,hehe,it is down here: 走出去就有路 尋見了就有福 擁有了一切 都進了包袱 思念是帶不走的 天空疑云密布 心中翻騰起伏 雖將飄搖 前途仍模糊 此地會是我 衣錦還鄉處 飄洋過海 我吃得起苦 相信天無絕人之路 現實有咒詛 夢里有祝福 有緣同舟 風雨同渡 頂著烈日當空 眼底有迷霧 不能再讓懦弱困住 日子多坎坷 命運有變數 只盼久旱逢甘露 Yah,that's about it,tmr have maths test and chinese test,go for it everyone!!!Tmr oso have music.....