
Showing posts from 2009

And the question goes on...

Oh man,yet another week. One more week to start of the school days again... Well,anyway it's been a week since I came back from china. The trip is really really fun(although those who noe me well enough should get why is it fun...) The week spent in singapore is kinda...slacky and I haven't touched my hw(omg).Went to 2A'08 class chalet on wed and thursday,had an class chatting session which made me feel so... And of coz christmas juz passed not long ago and I gt a new handphone as a so called"x'mas gift". Still adaptin to the new phone in progress,so dun blame me if I reply msgs slowly... Ytd went to an BSP camp grp outing. Not many went as some are overseas and others are busy, but still had one representative from each BSP school at the very least(hungs head). Watched Sherlock Holmes(highly recommended) and played a while in the arcade(shouldn't have done diulian to get pwned -.-) Haven't had any real thinking about the new year ahead,but i

And so...

It's been a week since the EOYs exams ended. I am sure that many are feeling very slacky right now though. Since the mugging season is officially over (and it will take abt another 4 months before mugging season is back), I am here to post more frequently I guess. Results are back a little a day, so I shant really talk about them(although I screwed up many of them.....). Post-exams period is really dull, as we do not know what to do after such a long time of mugging season. Of course I went out with friends to play pool and stuff, but it really gets dull after a while. Staring at the comp for hours doesnt help either. There are things to worry about though. CCA is in a state of confusion coz too much things to handle and not enough time. Hope things goes well for the moving of school and next year sch's anniversary. In a few weeks time I am going to fly to Beijing for immersion. 1 and a half months over there seems really long(I never been overseas you see). And its snowing ove

The Final Post

Now, dont get me wrong. This is not a suicidal note of some sort. No. What I mean is the final post before the EOYs exams. LOL Anyway,yesterday night was very very fun, with the mid-autumn festival being quite a sucess.Thanks to CLDDS people, PA ppl and the chinese department! Although it was kinda tiring, but the chance to spending that few minutes with 2A'08 was very very fun. Kudos to 2A'08! After that, jerian,jeremy,kengleng,hongkai and I went to hortpark to cam-whore LOL. Check out the photos at the 2A'08 blog if you want.... The exams will start in just a few more days. Need to mug mug mug liao. K, gtg soon, but before I go, I would like to post a short short personality analysis I found on the web,kinda fun and true.... Name: Desmond Date: 9/26/2009 Colorgenics Number: 14352607 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfilment and happiness. You are capable of powerful em

Waste time...

I know I dun have much time(still nid type report) but I find this quite interesting and VERY true. LOL this is a personality test... Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior. Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right


K I am posting now coz my blog is getting real mouldy,nvr update or anything... This few weeks has been filled with tests and tests every week. Kinda hectic. Somethings that are quite...erm..saddening happened though I will not post them here(show respect ma). Cca was resumed and we were back. Now we are divided into smaller groups to think,write and come up with a play. This is what I call basic training. On a happier note, chen laoshi is back, not as a school teacher, but as a intructor. She will be teaching us "movements and the body" for the next few weeks. National day is coming real soon... Been getting some inspiration to write my own script, but haven worked on it yet..haiz...but initial title would be 厕所 or Toilet . Looking forward to watching "The spirits play" on Aug 15 By the way, I am suddenly interested in Gundam again!!! Especially the Gundam Wing series...looking forward to free time to buy a model of gundam deathscythe and saving up money too... K


K I think I gonna dedicate this post to one teacher that had just left the school to pursue her dreams. She is 陈老师. I think most of the students will be shocked to know that 陈老师 has left the school quite abruptly. Didnt really know until yesterday( or should I say tues,her last day in school). What happened was that she did tell me when we met in sch on tues, but I didnt really believe her(kinda shocked). And most people will know 陈老师 as a very friendly, always joking kind of teacher. So I did not really believe her and though she was joking. Found out on wed that she has really left the school. When I heard this, I almost couldnt take the news. Lots and lots of questions ran through my head,felt kinda crushed. She was my favourite teacher after all. And because of myself, I did not even get to say a proper goodbye. But not many found out though. I think she meant to leave quietly. She will have her own reasons I guess. And I certainly hope she will come back and visit us someday. Foun

No title for the day....

Actually, I have no real thing to post over here right now.Ended BSP camp last week liao, so I think I would not bother posting about it. It's been already half a year since 2008 passed, which means 2009 would also pass in the same amount of time from now. Can't believe time passes by so fast.... Come to think of it, I really think I have really stopped walking on. Everyday is the same for me;mundane,boring, nauseating, cant think of better words. Maybe I myself has changed in the first place. Went to some old friends gathering a few days ago. All of them changed, but they say I didnt,still the old look. Well,maybe it is a good thing, maybe it is a bad thing. Like they always say, things are ever-changing. In this world, nothing is permanent,except change itself. Sometimes, I do really want to settle down for a quiet life. Been really sleepy since the start of the year. Well its kind of a good change,coz I can fall asleep more readily. But there is always the flipside. They say

Simple theory my sis told me about her experience in her sch a few months ago. Really cool, and it represents 2 true theories. Her class was unsatisfied with something about the planning of stuff for students, and she asked her class whether they should talk to the teacher about it. Her class agreed. In order to make a point to the sch, her whole cls sat outside the office to wait for the teacher to come. Really cool right? Well, the first theory is, unity is strength. It may be an old theory, but it is true. You see, students and people are often "scared" to suggest or to question whether a certain thing implemented by higher authorities is correct ,by themselves,such as rules,regulations or anything. Then why not suggest it with a group? Or a large group if one still feels unsafe? They can't possibly lock up everyone or punish everyone just because they pointed out something is wrong with the system? And the thing is, when asked who suggested it, it is not beneficial to s

Complete works of Kuo Pao Kun

Just found this series at the library yesterday. Found it to be quite interesting, so I borrowed volume 7:papers and speeches home to read. Some general information of the series is that it contains the works of Mr Kuo Pao Kun, one of the pioneers for the Singapore theatre scene. He has indeed inspired many and his 24 pieces of work is noteworthy, some of which has been showcased overseas too, such as(but not limited to) The coffin is too big for the hole(棺才太大洞太小),laojiu(老九);and the silly little girl and the funny old tree(傻女孩与怪老树). Here I would like to talk about some of the works mentioned in volume 7. One of the articles mentioned is" Better to have a Worthy Failure than a Mediocore Sucess" He mentions that the spirit to explore to experiment and to break through, is innate in al artistic endeavours. In its remarkable effort to search for excellence, Singapore has created a twin monster------the fear of failure(also known as kiasu-ism).Indeed, on our way to greater achieve

Are people really so.....

Something sparked my inspiration for today. Or rather, my thinking process. As usual, I will be talking crap with my friends but I learn something quite true. First question:Are people really so forgetful of what happened in the past? Say for example, do singaporeans still remember the mas selamat incident where the top terrorist escaped? Do they still remember the incident involving the white tigers biting the worker at the Singapore Zoo? Most people have no answer for this, because they forgot about it. The weird thing is, it is the old people who remembers. Do they really have better memories of such things, or is it that things just do not stick to the people's minds? Sad. Saw a situation while taking the train today. Old people giving up seats to old people. Really sad case. But the special thing I saw it that, they just started chatting like that. Now, pick out anyone from the streets and ask them to start chatting with some strangers. My guess is that most youngsters cant d


巨蟹是心软的,容易被感动,即使表面看起来总是有一副硬硬的壳,但那壳子底下是一颗柔软敏感到极至的内心。它们面对一份感情是犹豫再三的,不要说它们懦弱,它们只是明白自己是容易受伤的。他们对感情抱有信仰,相信纯真、相信天长地久,所以有时是挑剔的。 这是一层表面坚硬的壳,其实攻克轻而易举,因为蟹蟹有一颗柔软的心。蟹蟹恋爱了,这时的它们变的很粘人,很婆妈,因为你是它的中心,它会为你考虑很多,饭吃了吗?天气会变了吗?记得带伞哦!路上车多,慢点走哦!……..诸如此类! 蟹蟹是深情而痴情的,爱上一个人会爱的很深,即使明知道没有结果也很难自拔。这是巨蟹的一种固执,想要得到的东西,往往不会轻易放手。有时,一段没有结果的恋情会成为蟹蟹的生活重心。这无疑是痛苦的,但又难以自拔。然而,巨蟹的不安全感又在内心大叫着放弃,所以这时的蟹蟹总是在坚持和放弃的巨大矛盾中苦苦煎熬着。学会放弃是蟹蟹的一门功课. 当然,如果蟹蟹真的决定放弃了,它的坚决会让所有人吃惊。 要记住:除了你自己,没有人可以伤害到你 . 蟹子是痴情的,但又不善于表达,面对自己心爱的人拘谨、放不开。它们的幽默感此刻变得生涩。蟹子是深情的,但又不善于把握,为什么一次次控制不住自己的情绪,说出明知不该讲的话? 分裂而善于幻想的寄居蟹在说巨蟹之前,先说说几个一直以来欣赏的几个偶像,他们都不同,但他们有一个共同点,就是,他们都是巨蟹男。周星驰,王家卫,罗大佑,李宗盛,梁朝伟,张学友……一般在每次排行榜中总是靠末的巨蟹们,看起来并没有很明显的个性,但是,他们在艺术方面的直觉和敏锐却是别人难以匹敌,从这几个人名里就不难看出。他们在生活中都是温文尔雅的,被动的,甚至往往是沉默的,但是在他们的电影,歌曲中,却展露出令人惊异的才华,让我们总是不由自主的为之倾倒。当周星驰让我们笑得泪水横流的时候,我们也早听闻其实戏外的他认真严肃,不苟言笑,对待朋友和情人都很苛刻;我们知道在戏里演什么都神形毕似的影帝梁朝伟同性格南辕北辙的射手刘嘉玲20多年同居,至今都不愿结婚,他总是说,其实他的人生就是在戏里;我们知道张学友出道前曾经是黑社会的小混混,天天宿醉,自暴自弃,也看到张学友成名后依然为了家庭拼命打拼,几近崩溃…… 这就是巨蟹,其实,最能说明巨蟹特质的,就是--分裂无论是哪一种蟹,他们都有着分裂的思想。他们渴望安定,也渴望出人头地,他们内心充满艺术的灵感,夸张的幻象


"We must accept finite disappointment, but must never lose infinite hopes" ____ Martin Luther King.Jr Nice quote I saw today somewhere. The quote obviously shows the importance of hoping, and there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. T0 my friends and classmates(or anyone reading my blog) experiencing the difficult times, do not lose hope. Believe in yourself and you know you can do it. There is nothing too difficult to hope for, and let your hopes and dreams fly. Even if your dream seems distant from you, someday you know you will be able to achieve that childhood dream of yours. But remember, you yourself must believe in the dream that you treasure. It should not be forced out of you because of some situation, or an alternative provided by the schools or anyone. Of course, what they always say is that your dreams must be practical. But, should'nt the right to dream and to explore, be available to anyone and everyone? 人生十字路口, 由自己走,所以放胆去追求属于自己的梦想!!!

Bus-ing home...

Took bus number 176 home from JE today. Usual bus trip anyway, bt I kinda observed something interesting today. A old man in his 70s or 80s would take his grandson(around 7 to 8 years old) to take the bus together(I saw this old man quite a few times le). But today, the bus was unusually crowded today, so I needed to stand. When this old man and his son came up the bus, I was expecting to see someone (esp. the students) to give up their seats to them. Apparently, no one did. I was kinda feeling uneasy, but I had continued to observe the situation (which no one really did). One of the young people, seeing them walk near them, pretended to fall asleep immediately. What was more saddening is that no one had reminded anyone to give up their seats( I myself is guilty too). In the end, it was a man in his 40s who gave up his seat. We are often told to be courteous and give seats to those in need. But has the courtesy campaign really achieved the results? Must people really need to wait for

Walk Of Life 1 I had my very first try at observing life. I have the urge to do so a few weeks ago, but was too lazy. But today I have decided to try it out. My chosen location was at the area of the now closed JEC. Nearby there is some coffee shops and quite a lot of ppl since today is a weekend. Perfect. I decided to walk very slowly to observe better what people are actually doing and feeling. This trial took about 45 mins ( dun say I too much time hor, quite meaningful leh LOL). I realised when I walked slowly, people around me seemed to be moving very fast. I noticed that most people seemed to be rushing for something.I see no reason to rush as today is a weekend. I also noticed that most people's faces were kind a sad mood. Clearly their eyebrows were frowning about something. People at my age tend to walk very fast( lyk I saw some student alone walking, very fast). People in groups tend to be happier than those I saw walking alone. Those walking alone were either looking


OMG I reached my 50th post here LOL!!!! K today is Chinese New Year, wishing all a very happy new year here!!! This few weeks started school already. New class, new people to meet. Spending a few weeks with the new 3B clsmates was kinda fun. But of coz, the hw part of Sec 3 was kinda scary. Out of nowhere so many hw to be done pops out. I am still in the transition mode of going into Year 3 though(haha LOL). Kinda busy nowadays, but strangely, the feeling of pressure is nt really there yet( hey ppl if u call the beginning stress right, let's see in midyear hor, that is crazy man LOL). What about cca then? Cca has started with some fresh faces, although the year 1s have nt come in yet. Started rehearsing for SYF le, but only just started. There are still quite a lot of things not yet confirmed. Hope all goes well and we can achieve a GWH this year!!! LOL Going to the show " 私房话" next week. Kinda anticipating it coz there is much talk abt it lately LOL. K short post here.