
Showing posts from April, 2009

Simple theory my sis told me about her experience in her sch a few months ago. Really cool, and it represents 2 true theories. Her class was unsatisfied with something about the planning of stuff for students, and she asked her class whether they should talk to the teacher about it. Her class agreed. In order to make a point to the sch, her whole cls sat outside the office to wait for the teacher to come. Really cool right? Well, the first theory is, unity is strength. It may be an old theory, but it is true. You see, students and people are often "scared" to suggest or to question whether a certain thing implemented by higher authorities is correct ,by themselves,such as rules,regulations or anything. Then why not suggest it with a group? Or a large group if one still feels unsafe? They can't possibly lock up everyone or punish everyone just because they pointed out something is wrong with the system? And the thing is, when asked who suggested it, it is not beneficial to s

Complete works of Kuo Pao Kun

Just found this series at the library yesterday. Found it to be quite interesting, so I borrowed volume 7:papers and speeches home to read. Some general information of the series is that it contains the works of Mr Kuo Pao Kun, one of the pioneers for the Singapore theatre scene. He has indeed inspired many and his 24 pieces of work is noteworthy, some of which has been showcased overseas too, such as(but not limited to) The coffin is too big for the hole(棺才太大洞太小),laojiu(老九);and the silly little girl and the funny old tree(傻女孩与怪老树). Here I would like to talk about some of the works mentioned in volume 7. One of the articles mentioned is" Better to have a Worthy Failure than a Mediocore Sucess" He mentions that the spirit to explore to experiment and to break through, is innate in al artistic endeavours. In its remarkable effort to search for excellence, Singapore has created a twin monster------the fear of failure(also known as kiasu-ism).Indeed, on our way to greater achieve

Are people really so.....

Something sparked my inspiration for today. Or rather, my thinking process. As usual, I will be talking crap with my friends but I learn something quite true. First question:Are people really so forgetful of what happened in the past? Say for example, do singaporeans still remember the mas selamat incident where the top terrorist escaped? Do they still remember the incident involving the white tigers biting the worker at the Singapore Zoo? Most people have no answer for this, because they forgot about it. The weird thing is, it is the old people who remembers. Do they really have better memories of such things, or is it that things just do not stick to the people's minds? Sad. Saw a situation while taking the train today. Old people giving up seats to old people. Really sad case. But the special thing I saw it that, they just started chatting like that. Now, pick out anyone from the streets and ask them to start chatting with some strangers. My guess is that most youngsters cant d


巨蟹是心软的,容易被感动,即使表面看起来总是有一副硬硬的壳,但那壳子底下是一颗柔软敏感到极至的内心。它们面对一份感情是犹豫再三的,不要说它们懦弱,它们只是明白自己是容易受伤的。他们对感情抱有信仰,相信纯真、相信天长地久,所以有时是挑剔的。 这是一层表面坚硬的壳,其实攻克轻而易举,因为蟹蟹有一颗柔软的心。蟹蟹恋爱了,这时的它们变的很粘人,很婆妈,因为你是它的中心,它会为你考虑很多,饭吃了吗?天气会变了吗?记得带伞哦!路上车多,慢点走哦!……..诸如此类! 蟹蟹是深情而痴情的,爱上一个人会爱的很深,即使明知道没有结果也很难自拔。这是巨蟹的一种固执,想要得到的东西,往往不会轻易放手。有时,一段没有结果的恋情会成为蟹蟹的生活重心。这无疑是痛苦的,但又难以自拔。然而,巨蟹的不安全感又在内心大叫着放弃,所以这时的蟹蟹总是在坚持和放弃的巨大矛盾中苦苦煎熬着。学会放弃是蟹蟹的一门功课. 当然,如果蟹蟹真的决定放弃了,它的坚决会让所有人吃惊。 要记住:除了你自己,没有人可以伤害到你 . 蟹子是痴情的,但又不善于表达,面对自己心爱的人拘谨、放不开。它们的幽默感此刻变得生涩。蟹子是深情的,但又不善于把握,为什么一次次控制不住自己的情绪,说出明知不该讲的话? 分裂而善于幻想的寄居蟹在说巨蟹之前,先说说几个一直以来欣赏的几个偶像,他们都不同,但他们有一个共同点,就是,他们都是巨蟹男。周星驰,王家卫,罗大佑,李宗盛,梁朝伟,张学友……一般在每次排行榜中总是靠末的巨蟹们,看起来并没有很明显的个性,但是,他们在艺术方面的直觉和敏锐却是别人难以匹敌,从这几个人名里就不难看出。他们在生活中都是温文尔雅的,被动的,甚至往往是沉默的,但是在他们的电影,歌曲中,却展露出令人惊异的才华,让我们总是不由自主的为之倾倒。当周星驰让我们笑得泪水横流的时候,我们也早听闻其实戏外的他认真严肃,不苟言笑,对待朋友和情人都很苛刻;我们知道在戏里演什么都神形毕似的影帝梁朝伟同性格南辕北辙的射手刘嘉玲20多年同居,至今都不愿结婚,他总是说,其实他的人生就是在戏里;我们知道张学友出道前曾经是黑社会的小混混,天天宿醉,自暴自弃,也看到张学友成名后依然为了家庭拼命打拼,几近崩溃…… 这就是巨蟹,其实,最能说明巨蟹特质的,就是--分裂无论是哪一种蟹,他们都有着分裂的思想。他们渴望安定,也渴望出人头地,他们内心充满艺术的灵感,夸张的幻象