No title for the day....

Actually, I have no real thing to post over here right now.Ended BSP camp last week liao, so I think I would not bother posting about it.

It's been already half a year since 2008 passed, which means 2009 would also pass in the same amount of time from now. Can't believe time passes by so fast....

Come to think of it, I really think I have really stopped walking on. Everyday is the same for me;mundane,boring, nauseating, cant think of better words. Maybe I myself has changed in the first place. Went to some old friends gathering a few days ago. All of them changed, but they say I didnt,still the old look.

Well,maybe it is a good thing, maybe it is a bad thing.

Like they always say, things are ever-changing. In this world, nothing is permanent,except change itself.

Sometimes, I do really want to settle down for a quiet life.

Been really sleepy since the start of the year. Well its kind of a good change,coz I can fall asleep more readily.

But there is always the flipside. They say I am not listening,they say I am not attentive.They say I dont care anymore.

Been going out more. Gained new insight,new friends,new information.

But this meant I have been spending less time with my family.

I want a good,real rest.But I think I have been resting for too long.
I want a good real thing to jolt me. But I want to rest.

Is this the breaking point already?


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