
It is at this time of the day that I frolick in the bottomless despair.

I would like to say sorry to those whom I have shown the other side. Yes you. If you think you are the one. If you ever read this post. I know I have been mentally and emotionally abusing and using you,as a pillar. In my waves I hope you stay strong. I have no intention to destroy you, for your existence is crucial to mine. Please don't feel offended. I speak my mind, only to you and you people. If you guys shut away, then probably I would explode.

Been drifting away from those that seem close to me. Because of my intervention,my utter disgust at them and myself for feeling that way. WHY DO YOU GUYS CONTINUE PISS ME OFF. WHY PRECISELY YOU GUYS.
I need a distance so that I can get rid of nausea. It's just me.

She has been drifting away too. Saw her having a new "brother". This jealously, this uncertainty irks me. I know I think too much but I can't help thinking that way. But rest assured that the problem is mine and mine alone. I can't even know what's she feeling right now, whether she's facing any problems, let alone be with her and care for her. She probably doesn't remember of my existence, for I am too small,insignificant with her towering presence. The greater she seems, it dawned on me that I have to go the other way. Be minute,wallow in absurdity, and pray that opposites really attract. For now it's one sided.

It's coming, the promos. Like a wave that will sweep over me. I do not know of the voracity of it.

Silence. It's called mental stroke. Stroke of the mental mind, not a physical brain.


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