The Unbearable Weakness of Being

It's August already. And I am still feeling worse by the minute.

Life has become so unbearable for me....that I weep in silence every night and day/without the tears.

I am experiencing Weakness. Physically, mentally,whatever one can think of to describe, it will be irrepressibly linked back to "Weakness". I feel weak even thinking about this Weakness.

I feel despair when the Weakness impedes me to achieving what I want. If only I could have some willpower. Darkness overwhelms me when the thought, the mere thought of the Weakness will bring me even more pain on my journey.

Like a speck of sand blown around in vast deserts.

Unforgivable, but can anyone please forgive me? Not just a mere plea, but a unwavering holler.

Why do I open my eyes to see Weakness impeding solutions for Weakness.

Vicious cycle.

Of course the Weakness is the key for not ending my life of Weakness. Ironic. If I only had a little more willpower, I would end it swiftly.

Crushing Weakness, frail strength.

A reverse blackhole it seems. I just need something to go back in for me to end it.



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