Of courage of women and death

It really often eludes me as to why women are so easily confined and determined to be "the weaker sex". While men certainly have greater physical strength than women on the average, I think too much emphasis are placed on this point.

"One is not born a woman, one becomes one". While some may view the process as a restricting doctrine, Im not quite sure why this actually suggests that men actually really never grow up or mature (if the reverse is true, that men are born men. How does that sound?)

Is my situation because of the peculiar environment I live in? (where men are made men through some years in bootcamp?) (Are they made men, or do they just look like made men)

Or is it due to my inability to comprehend the percieved differences between men and women, of not being able to understand there truly is a significant difference.

Are women actually better able to solve wrongdoings because they can admit, seek & accept help (as compared to men, somehow constitutes weakness (which is itself a natural and neutral phenomenon, but somehow consists of negative connotations when applied to men) )

If only I had a little more of the tenacity easily found in women...


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