On emotions

"Detachment doesn't mean you don't let the experience penetrate you. On the contrary, you let it penetrate you fully. That's how you are able to leave it."

"If you hold back on the emotions-if you don't allow youself to go all the way through them-you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You are afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way,over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then you can say, ' All right, I have experienced that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.' "

-From Tuesdays with Morrie

If one is unable to detach so easily, what comes next? That a soul gets ripped away along with the detachment, and that somehow one never heals?


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